Ok so I am baaaacccckkkk!!!!!. Sorry I left ya'll but I needed some time to evolve into something better.
Did anybody out there miss me? I am in such a different place from the last time we shared. I am so happy I can barely contain myself. Things get better everyday. It's a state of mind. I got two jobs now and a hustle here and a hustle there and a somewhat reliable car but, it's not really as much any of that as it is just me having a conscious awakening. I see life for what it really is now, or at least what it really is to me, and I love and appreciate every minute of it. I've experienced so many things, and know or have known so many awesome unique people, how can I not be grateful.
My Kryptonite controls me no more. In fact, she's in town and she just left and after all of the rain, we have finally reached a place where we can co-exist. There's no hurt left, no resentment, no pain, no anger... just love, appreciation, and understanding. We helped each other grow when we both needed it most and I don't think either of us are mad at our individual results. She'll always be my friend. I'll always be hers. ( for those of you that know me, ain't that some shit??? After all this time, the sun finally shines through...)
On another note, why do people always want you to be who they want you to be vs. who you are?? I am like flowing energy in a liquid, vapor, electric, invisible state. I can't be controlled, shaped, captured, harnessed,and or contained. I am a burst of light and all you can ever hope to do, all you should ever want to do, is just ride the explosion and enjoy it. I will always just be me and that's all I ever want to be.
Anyways, this is just a re-intro, I'll keep it brief but I am back and will be. Stay tuned.
Ps- I think I might very well have found the most beautifulest, prettiest, silliest girl in the world...but that's another blog =)