Three strikes and you are out.
First there was this girl, I thought she was amazing...still kinda do. She is such a great, beautiful, smart, funny, intelligent (smart and intelligent are not the same thing...)..she is such a ray of sunshine and happiness but I am just not sure I can live the life she would need me to live in order to keep her happy, It's almost like she is sooooo nice and good and while I have no ill intentions and am a pretty decent guy, I still feel like I'd have to walk on eggshells forever and I'm just an eggshell kinda guy. There are other factors which I wont mention ..some very fundamental...things that I am not sure can be overcome as well. but still, I wonder about her..she's a wonderful person. Could I possibly think she's too good for me and thus might I possibly have issues with that myself?? ....Probably not.
Then there was this other girl, when we met, there was really no magic. I thought she was attractive and funny and what not but that spark was non existent. Still, I was kinda lonely and bored and I figured why not take a shot and see what happens right?...Right. The first time we had sex, her body, visually, reminded me of Sarah, but not really. You know that feeling when you pick up a Coke thinking its gonna be a Pepsi ?? (probably not...)..odd, I know, but that is the best way to describe the feeling. She was fun as hell to be around and we started becoming good friends (kinda) but the attraction that needed to be there for me wasen't...mix that in with her own insecurity issues, bad drinking habits and other issues and it was a recipe for , notgonnaworkout. She also had a real conformist , need to be accepted, and part of the group thing, going on that would never have worked for me and I remember feeling like I didn't get it. It began to feel like a chore and once that happens, all bets are off.
Then there was the last girl. She was cool as shit and I actually knew her before the second girl and was interested for a while. Actually, I'm not even going into the situation with her because despite it not really being what I was looking for, what I found was equally as valuable. Understanding. It was temporarily exciting and risky and engulfing and probably exactly what both of us needed at that moment. She needed to get away from her "routine" and I needed to remember that something I forgot existed, exists. #Thatgirl is the shit. We may not ride of into the sunset together, probably won't in fact but I'm sure we will be real, actual friends and sometime that's all you really need. I have nothing bad to say, at all. [[ ps - a lot of ya'll misjudge her don't quite know how to receive her but she's gonna be famous. Watch.]]
I feel like Leisure Suit Larry.

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