Ok..so much on my mind so little concentration. How long can I stay focused to type this? See, I'm getting of course already.. first, the cars..
First I had "Lisa" ...

and she decided to crash into these folks....

I then had another car just like "Lisa" but she was dark blue and never really left much an impression on me and I can't remember what I named her. She just died...old age....she didn't wanna go on and passed away on the side of I20 west and Fulton Industrial. It was a cold night.
Then my ni66a's (who's name shall be withheld) sidepiece sold me "Bobby Cox" for the absolute low right when I needed him. A funny side note is that I kinda facilitated my ni66a and his sidepiece meeting each other a few years ago.... a favor for a favor.
Now "Bobby Cox" was my ni66a. Held me down like free school lunch back in the 80's (Ok, I never ate that shit..I confess...but it sounded good.) "Bobby" and I got along fine. He had his little kinks and shit but whenever anything went wrong, it was never anything major...change an axel here....get your brakes done here...hello...goodbye....kinda like clockwork. Being that"Bobby" was a little improvement, after a while, I just started to outgrow him....
So I went and got ....
I haven't named her yet...got a few ideas I'm tossing around and "Mercedes" is kinda at the top of the list...I know you're thinking, who does that? Who would named a BMW.. "Mercedes" and I've gotta reply, me..I'm your guy who probably would do that.
Before I forget and get off base, I sold "Bobby Cox" to this guy....

..who despite being one of my closet friends for years and knowing I was looking out for him when no one else would, decided to get low on me and currently owes me $1000. Yeah. It happens. Should anyone see or know of his whereabouts ( I am being dramatic here,,,I obviously know where he is ) ..tell him to do the right thing, be a man and say sorry and PAY ME MY MUTHA FUCKING MONEY......
to be continued....
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